Suits in Ethiopia

Ethiopian national costume for women It is forbidden to use non-normative vocabulary, insult other users of this site, active links to third-party sites, advertising in reviews. Deep, rich, full-bodied and unusual African Arabica varieties have sunk into the souls of many coffee gourmets and simply lovers of this aromatic drink. It was here, in hot and sultry Ethiopia, that coffee evolution got its starting point and began its march from the African coast to Europe, conquering the countries of the Arab world along the way ... and not only. Whatever one may say, it is here, in Ethiopia, that the first wild-growing coffee trees gave the world coffee, in the original form in which we know it - here it began to be cultivated earlier than in other "coffee" countries that are heard - Brazil, Kenya , India. It is noteworthy that in Ethiopia, unlike other coffee regions, coffee was grown even before the expansion of the Europeans. It does not give up its positions even today, remaining the world African leader in the production of the most elite and valuable varieties of Arabica - just imagine, the coffee share in th Suits in Ethiopia e country's exports is equal to two-thirds of the total. In the Harrar region alone, you can find up to 11 varieties of Arabica! In Sidamo, in addition to the well-known and standard varieties, you can find varieties of Kudeme, Volisho and Degas, and in the Wollega area you can find such interesting types of Arabica as Kubur, Bedesa, Yavan and Sinde. Differences between coffee berries of different varieties in Irga Cheffe, Ethiopia Fact: Between 10 and 15 percent of Ethiopia's total coffee crop is so-called “washed”. wet processed coffee. Washed coffee has a more pronounced sourness and complex aroma due to rapid fermentation and washing technology. The rest of the coffee in Ethiopia is “unwashed” and is subject to a more technologically simple dry process.


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