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Are you looking for an art gallery to buy original artwork? Artmajeur is the best store to find original art by contemporary artists and art galleries from all over the world! You can find a collection that suits you, whatever your budget, different sizes and prices. Presented ...
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Zeng Fanzhi. The Last Supper. 2001. Oil on canvas. Sold in October 2013 at Sotheby's, Hong Kong for $ 23.3 million. Courtesy Sotheby's
In short, the contempo Art Pieces for Sale rary art market has gone through a profound transformation in 20 years. It is clear that the pandemic that broke out in 2020 disrupted the pace of market development. Thus, experiencing this pause, we can conduct a serious analysis of the metamorphosis of the contemporary art market, which is fraught with the greatest risks and the greatest opportunities, before it resumes its work full of surprises.
Over the past 20 years, the contemporary art market has undergone profound structural changes: more and more artists (from 5400 to almost 32 thousand presented on the auction market today), more and more works (from 12 thousand to 123 thousand lots). The market grew and expanded geographically (from 39 to 64 countries participating in the auctions). Its growth has accelerated with the proliferation of remote transactions and is now the most dynamic and profitable segment of the entire art market. Over the past 20 years, the number of auction houses bidding on the contemporary art market has doubled, the number of sessions has tripled, and the number of lots sold has increased sixfold.
The turnover of contemporary art auctions has already surpassed in terms of volume such segments of the art market as the art of the old masters or the art of the 19th century. The works of some contemporary artists have already reached the status of "historical treasures" and are valued in monetary terms as much as the greatest artists of modernism such as Monet or Picasso. Basquiat holds the first and last auction records of the twentieth anniversary. One of his works in 1998 was the first for contemporary art to break the $ 1 million bar, and the other in 2017 became the most expensive piece of contemporary art sold at auction (Untitled (1982), Sotheby's, $ 110.5 million) - Basquiat's auction record for 20 years has grown 65 times. During the same period, the average price of a piece of contemporary art has tripled. This growth has made contemporary art the main driver of the growth of the global art market in the 21st century.
► 6 times more artists and 6 times more lots.
► Basquiat is the record holder of world auctions in the segment of contemporary art: $ 110 million.
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