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Analytical review of the journal "Health" abstract on medicine, Compositions from Medicine
Analytical review of the journal "Health" abstract on medicine
Analytical review of the journal "Health". - compendium - Medicine
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Ivan Fedorov Moscow State University of Printing Arts (MGUP)
"A lot of useful information and a nice volume! Thank y Health & Beauty in Mombasa ou!"
Analytical review of the journal "Health". Introduction. The history of the creation of the journal. The first issue of the monthly popular science journal "Health" of the Ministry of Health of the USSR appeared in January 1955 in the State Publishing House of Medical Literature. S. V. Kurashov became its editor. One of the main tasks of the publication during its creation was to become the readers' "family doctor" and a pleasant companion. "Health" magazine is designed to disseminate knowledge in the field of social and personal prevention of diseases, occupational health and safety, physical culture. Issues of rational nutrition, proper organization of the daily routine, better use of rest should take a prominent place on its pages. "We hope that the journal "Health" will become a teacher and friend for the population of our country in the most important matter - the protection of human health ", - writes M. D. Kovrigina, Minister of Health of the USSR in the programmatic article of the first issue. twelve months of work summed up its activities. On the last two pages, a report was printed, from which it was clear which topics were paid more and which less attention. Having thus outlined a plan of action, "Health" clearly follows it, without deviating from the intended path In this work, we will try to give an analytical overview of the journal "Health" at the present stage. We have headings and main lines of the magazine, genre policy and stylistic excerpt. We will try
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