Antiseptics in Ghana

Wounds and wound infections. Journal named after prof. B.M. Kostuchenka Rany i ranevye infekcii ISSN 2408-9613 (Print) ISSN 2500-0594 (Online) Vacuum therapy in the complex treatment of neuropathic diabetic foot syndrome in Ghana Diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) is a serious health problem in developing countries, where medical resources are limited, and the vast majority of patients go late to medical institutions already with severe forms of the disease and often in an advanced stage. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of negative pressure therapy (NPWT) in the treatment of patients with neuropathic DFS compared with traditional methods in reducing the number of high amputations and overall mortality in Ghana. Results. Complex treatment of patients in both groups included surgical treatment of a purulent focus, local treatment (NPWT or dressings with antiseptic solutions), and autodermoplasty or secondary intention healing after the transition of the wound process to the reparative stage. None of the patients in both groups underwent hig Antiseptics in Ghana h amputation. No deaths were recorded. In patients of the main group, the transition of the wound process to the reparative stage was carried out in a shorter time compared to those who were treated without NPWT. Conclusion. Treatment of the neuropathic form of DFS with the use of negative pressure (on the example of patients in Ghana) reduces the length of hospital stay and the number of high amputations of the lower extremities, and improves the quality of life of patients. Rdeini V.M., Mitish V.A., Paskhalova Yu.S., Sokov S.L. Vacuum therapy in the complex treatment of the neuropathic form of diabetic foot syndrome in Ghana. Wounds and wound infections. Journal named after prof. B.M. Kostyuchenka. 2018; 5 (3): 16-24. Rdeini W.M., Mitish V.A., Paskhalova Yu.S., Sokov S.L. Vacuum therapy in complex treatment of neuropathic form of diabetic foot syndrome in Ghana. Wounds and wound infections. The prof. B.M. Kostyuchenok journal. 2018; 5 (3): 16-24. (In Russ.) Https:// Email article mail (Username (login) required) Contact the author (Username (login) required) City Hospital of the Seventh-day Adventist Mission; Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Peoples' Friendship University of Russia" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia


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